Brian Brooks | Setting High Expectations, Personal Accountability, and “Reading the Table”

 In Being an Engineer Podcast

Brian Brooks

Being an Engineer - Buzzsprout



Who is Brian Brooks?

Brian Brooks claims that he isn’t a superstar engineer – we don’t know about that, but what was clear from his interview was that he most certainly is a superstar people person. Brian gets people. He knows how to communicate with them, knows how to mentor them, and knows how to motivate them.

Consider this episode a master class in people skills and emotional intelligence! Listen now!

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About Being An Engineer

The Being An Engineer podcast is brought to you by Pipeline Design & Engineering. Pipeline partners with medical & other device engineering teams who need turnkey equipment such as cycle test machines, custom test fixtures, automation equipment, assembly jigs, inspection stations and more. You can find us on the web at

You’ve read this far! Therefore, it’s time to turn your headphones up and listen now to this episode to learn all these. Don’t forget to tell your friends who might like this too!

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