Pipeline Logo Architecture

 In Marketing, Product Design

Most of our customers don’t know where the name Pipeline comes from. Here is a hint: it has nothing to do with oil, and little to do with engineering, at least nothing engineered by people. Located off the North Shore of Oahu, Pipeline is the name of one of the most famous surfing waves in the world.

Pipeline’s (the company) founder grew up surfing on Oahu and the name of our company is a tribute to those waves that nature has so exquisitely engineered. In the surfing world Pipeline (the wave) is recognized as a symbol of liquid perfection, and a platform on which world class talent is displayed. Our team of professional creators strives to be the equivalent of this symbol in the engineering and product development world.

Just as liquid perfection is created by the raw ocean waters off the North Shore of Oahu, Pipeline utilizes the raw elements of mind and matter to create incredible products for our customers. Our logo communicates that intent (see architecture below).

So join us. As customers, employees, fellow innovators, join us in bringing products to life. We’d love to hear from you. Contact us and tell our team what we can create for you.


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