Yes, Your Baby Is Ugly
All you inventors out there: this is for you.
There might be a chance that your baby is kind of possibly slightly ugly. Just a little. At times. In the right light.
When an inventor has an idea for a new product, he or she holds onto that idea as if it’s his baby. Let us explain what we mean. There isn’t a parent in the world that thinks his or her child is ugly. Our own children are always beautiful, right? There may be others, however, who don’t hold the same appreciation for our wonderful children – others who might even say that child is not as attractive as the parent believes. It’s easy to let ourselves fall into this same line of thought regarding ideas, as well.
Inventors often come to us with incredible ideas, and a very controlled definition of how those ideas should be executed. One of our jobs as the designers and engineers is to look at these ideas objectively and ask ourselves, without bias, the following question: Is this really the best way to achieve the product’s intent? And quite often the answer is not entirely in the affirmative.
Letting go of a feature we considered crucial to our design can be difficult for inventors to do. After all, forming an idea with any level of clarity takes a tremendous amount of time and effort. As experienced product designers, much of the value we bring to the table is the ability to look at a product in an emotionally detached way. In this way, we are able to balance important design factors such as cost, manufacturability, time to market, material selections, and more in order to produce a design which most efficiently meets its intent.
So, bring us your baby. We won’t tell you its ugly. But we may offer a few suggestions on how to make its ears look more proportional to its nose 🙂
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