Emma McFadden | Soldering Pro Tips, & How CPAP Machines Work

      Who is Emma McFadden? Emma McFadden is a senior engineering technician at a large medical device company in their Sleep Therapy new product development group. Emma holds an [...]

Porous Media Air Bearings

Has there ever been a project in which you needed to eliminate friction when moving a mass across a surface (in other words, move a heavy payload, but with the application of only very little [...]

Ray Fikes | Prosthetics and Hacking 3D Printers

      Who is Ray Fikes? Ray Fikes has worked for over 40 years as a prosthetist at his company Fikes Brace & Limb. With more than 45 patents and patent pending’s, he has [...]

Sarah Bilger | How Not to Give Up, & Time Management Strategies

      Who is Sarah Bilger? Sarah Bilger has over 7 years of experience in Mechanical Engineering and holds a Bachelor of Science in Energy Engineering. Some of the tools Sarah has [...]

Andy Wells | Touching Lives Through Engineering

      Who is Andy Wells? This episode is the chicken soup for the soul of engineering. Without doubt, the most inspirational episode we’ve recorded to date as Andy Wells shares [...]